Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fun Travels

Traveling with kiddos is a great adventure. There are lots of questions about when we'll be there, why can't we find a potty, and what snacks can we buy at our rest stops. :-)

Some of my favorite moments include chasing grasshoppers at a tourist information center, playing alligator at a McDonalds, annd  watching the kids do a team climbing experiment at chik-fil-a. :-)

Equally notable was a bizarre roadside rest stop. We were an hour into a very, very remote stretch of Virginia roadway, and then kids had been asking for a bathroom for the last ten minutes. We searched for anything with a bathroom, but there was just nothing... so, we settled for the side of the road. Cheryl hopped out, grabbed the portable toilet, and pantsed the bub. A second later, she was doing a mad, stomping dance. Ow ow ouch! We had managed to run over a red ant nest, and they were no making quick work of her feet. Ouch! Needless to say, we made that stop in record time and made a blitz for the next available antless pull over.

When we checked in on Saturday, the view from our porch was breathtaking. Literally. The beach is gorgeous, and the twelfth story view blew my mind!

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