Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Seriously, you guys rock. I love all the comments you've been responding with both on the blog and via e-mail. I feel like I'm still connected to you.

Here's a nifty UI enhancement for those of us using windows XP: Royale Noir Theme for XP

Cheryl has been nesting recently. The apartment is BEAUTIFUL! Everything is in its place. I have so much space to move around. Our relationship is at a peak right now. Last night while we were cuddling before bed, Cheryl told me that she felt like our relationship had really blossomed over the last few weeks. When I thought about it, it was incredibly true. We're still like honeymooner's. I think about her on and off all day, same with her for me. We do each other cute favors, get gifts and can't resist a quick kiss or caress here and there. I get to go out with the boys and I get to spend quality time with Cheryl and our couple-type friends. Sometimes we'll be relaxing and talking in the living room and my cup will just overflow with a spontaneous explosion of joy with a magnitude that simply makes it impossible not to dance. You know... the kind of joy that gives you goosebumps, butterflies and makes you smile like a 2yr old with a shiny toy car.

I'm really looking forward to the birth. Baby is coming soon. Very soon.
Check out the birth announcement page here and sign up for the e-mail list if you want to get the announcement.

One last thing. I LOVE MY NEW BIKE!!! I just trued the rims, cleaned the chain, switched the rear tire for the winter, added a suspension seat-post, added a gel-seat, and installed a mirror on my helmet. All told, it's a beautiful thing...

Oh yeah. I used to have the worst squeaky brakes ever. I read online about how to properly install brake pads and sure enough, the squeak is gone. To get rid of the squeak, you have to use a toe-in alignment. When you're adjusting the brake pads, put a piece of cardboard or folded paper under the rear of the brake pad. (The rear of the brake pad being the side that touches the rim last as the wheel is rotating...) That 1 mm gap causes grit to get cleaned off the rim, giving you better braking power while preventing chatter (which causes the squeaking). Nifty tip, eh?