Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh, Mr. Adams

Code monkeys need more endorphins.
This one hits the nail on the head:

In dance, there was a lot of criticism, but it all helped you improve. When the ballet was over, there were compliments, flowers, chocolate and newspaper articles.

In software, there's a lot of whining. I feel like I spend a decent amount of time disproving the blanket excuses that my tools, projects and plans are assailed with. When a project is completed successfully, that's it. The project is over "yeah team!"... even the dead weight is associated with the project's success.

Software and its development are currently a little depressing. I really need to be surrounded by the sea of positive/creative people I miss from high school and college. (Thank God for the random excellent people from work (Christina, Matt, Tim, Ed, Dean, Brian...) that make lunch times so pleasant.)

Meh, I'll ride my bike in tomorrow and remind myself of why I love being me sooooo much!!! Toodles!

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