Yesterday, Annabelle and I went to fly my kite. The temperature had dropped from the steamy 92 it had been the week before, down to the low 70's. The drop was accompanied by gale-force winds. (At least, gale-force from Annabelle's perspective.) "Daaad! I need to walk with my head down like this because my hair is going to blow away!!"
We walked to the park and set up my stunt kite. Belle held the poles while I rigged the nylon, then held the handles while I attached the strings.
(See this video for an intro to stun-kiting:
The launch was successful, and the wind was STRONG. ZZzzzzZZZZZzzzz the nylon sang into the wind as it zipped up and down, doing spirals through the air. Belle was as excited as me! "My turn my turn!" she exclaimed as she pranced around my legs.
At first, I had her stand in front of me. Putting her hands on my hands, she got a feel for how to direct the kite's aerial ballet. After a few minutes, she wanted to drive the kite herself. So, I passed the handles off to her. "Don't let go baby. If the kite gets away from you it will float over the trees into the lake and we won't see it again," I warned.
Taking this advice to heart. She white knuckled the handles and began her flight. Dip! Dive, turn WHOOSH!! Zip! stall... neeeeewwwwwwww bang. After around a minute of successful maneuvering, the kite bit the dust. I asked her to stay there and hold the handles tight as I started to jog towards the downed kite. "Alright baby, 3, 2, 1, LAUNCH!!!" The kite was back up, and Belle was doing a fine job of flying it! She got so excited, she started running towards the kite. Without the wind, it fell back to the grass. I told her to walk backwards slowly this time as she flew. After a quick nod, the kite was back up again.
Just then, the wind doubled or tripled in strength. Whoosh! The wind hit the kite, the kite pulled the string, the baby lifted off the ground!! Ack!! Taking my advice about losing the kite, she held fast, even though she was a foot off the ground. The first crowhop lifter her about a foot off the ground and caused her to travel a yard. The continued bluster picked yanked her off the ground again the second she landed. This time though, the tug was so fierce, she went prone about 2 feet off the ground. Proing! The lines zipped out of her hand and she got a face-full of grass!
Still lying on the ground, scraped and bruised, she looked up to see the kite soaring away, diving and twisting, pilot-less. She pointed and cried, desperate to retrieve it before it hit the lake! I did a 180 (when she lifted off, I started sprinting towards her... halfway there, she pointed and my priority shifted.) She was fine, and she wanted daddy's kite!
I made a mad dash for it, and caught the looping lines a mere 10-15 feet before the water.
I picked up the kite, and brought it back, but Belle had had enough for now. She helped me disassemble the kite, and we started the trek back home...
Next time, I'm going to bring a backpack with rocks, or a stake and string to fasten her to the ground... I can't believe the wind was strong enough to lift my 20 lb kiddo!!!
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