Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Selling the Drums

I just realized that I'm going to be in an apartment for a while. For 5 years, I felt that purchasing a house was just a few months away. Allan's offer to help me sell the stuff I've had laying around has really snapped me out of my stupor and had me re-evaluating the acceptance criteria for what I really want to fill my precious 100 sq ft of storage with.

A few of the things to go?
PS2, Gamecube, Gameboy Micro, 2x old P4 gaming computers and the big kicker, my drum set.

Selling the drum set is a BIG step. I paid a lot for that kit, and I've loved it dearly. Unfortunately, like my PS2 with DDR MAX 2, it's too loud for apartment living. 5 years of sitting neglected in my parents basement is enough for me to realize it's time to move on.

It goes beyond that, I expect to clear out a lot of old clothes, 6 of the 7 crappy frisbees I've got in the garage, and nearly everything under $20 that I haven't used in a year (lots of computer cables & equipment, some sporting goods... ). I'm expecting this year's spring cleaning to be a big one, and I'm really feeling good about shedding some of my history's weight. :) The move has left me profoundly attached to my family, profoundly unattached to my belongings, and distinctly more peaceful. :D

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