Monday, August 4, 2008

The Johnsons Moved! And I Got Lost...

We moved to our beautiful new apartment yesterday. So many team players showed up that a full 16' truck, 2 vans, and several personal vehicles got packed in only an hour and thirty minutes!! It was insane!! The ladies cleaned out the apartment and met us over at the new place where we unpacked in the record-breaking time of... 1 hr.

There are so many stories to tell!! We didn't have any of the usual heavy lifters (Brian, Toby, Nathan, Adrian, Rob), but we still managed to get everything onto the truck. The craziest moment for me occurred about half way down the third flight of stairs... with a piano. I was on the bottom (good leverage) with Chris and Curtis hunched over on the top (how they managed to hold the piano up while stooped over is yet to be explained by science). My foot slipped on one of the steps and the piano slipped an undetectable 1/2 inch. In that moment, my life flashed before my eyes.... having your life flash by rapidly is apparently very hard on your heart, because mine was thumping like a speedcore gabber. Nothing happened, but you know how terrifying the indication that something COULD happen can be. :)

Anyhoo, this morning, I woke up, gathered by bike gear (which was all easily findable thanks to our dear friend Alicia) and hit the road. Well, the road hit back. I completely missed a major turn and ended up in Greece before I recognized anything. Take a look at this link to see the ridiculous zig-zag I did to get to work:

All told, that trip took nearly 50 minutes. I can't wait to see what the ride home looks like... :D

1 comment:

David said...

That is quite an impressive zig-zag!