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Side note: Sprint, Verizon or TMobile?
Pros: Unlocked phones, cheap data, cheap plans, early evening calling
Cons: ...
Pros: Excellent reliability
Cons: ridiculous plan cost, terrible data, slow custom phone OS
Pros: Good internetwork communication, Home Hotspot, WiFi calling
Cons: Plan costs, few available features
Thoughts? Preferences? Trials? Tribulations?
TMobile: Horrendous customer service. Ask anyone with a Sidekick.
FYI, the people that I know who have Verizon complain about dropped calls and spotty service areas.
Personally, I have AT&T and they have AWESOME coverage and I don't think I've ever had a dropped call (the commercials are true!) Customer service is pretty good as well (so says my dad).
@ Ed
T-Mobile has the best customer service of any mobile supplier I've ever dealt with, or heard of others dealing with. They're like Apple - not your usual BS, and a different product; they'll do what they can to keep your loyalty, and when they can't they'll give up. Old roommate needed service for work. Couldn't get it at old apartment. Called T-Mobile to work with them. Couldn't resolve the problem. T-Mobile let him cancel his contract with no extra fee. SideKicks on RIT's campus are an unfortunate exception: RIT apparently charges an exorbinant amount to put a tower on campus, and T-Mobile won't pay up. Thus Verizon and others have amazing service (including tunnels I've heard), while T-Mobile users are hit for bars, despite the deaf community. On one hand, they ought to bite the bullet to take advantage of the extra customers. On the other hand, let's be honest - do any of you (us) have real brand/company loyalty? (I do, that's why I've stayed with several companies for years now, but I tangent...) As soon as 98% of people leave campus, they'll switch. Because as Americans, we don't care about stuff like that. Give it to me cheap, I don't care what price I'll pay if it doesn't show up in $$.
/rant C-;
T-Mobile for cust. Service.
ATT for iPhone.
Verizon for coverage.
IMHO, re-post with each of your pros/cons in a list with rating of importance. I.e.:
coverage 6 out of 10 (max)
OS 9/10
phone choice 1/10
data plans 7/10
cust service 9/10
If you plan on going outside Rochester, don't think you can count on Verizon's coverage. It's great in Rochester, but most other places it's pretty crappy. (Central NY, PA, MD, RI, pick a state)
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