A month since the last post! Wow... how does that happen?
Since my last post I have:
1 Been harangued for biking on the road
2 Contracted a BAD case of poison ivy
3 Restored the family computer from iminent death
4 Switched to Linux at home
5 Attended a wedding
6 Went camping 2x
7 Traveled every weekend
8 Not attended church
Man, is my life exciting or what?
Before you get up in arms for me not replying to all your wonderful comments on my last post wait... I'm going to reply after I get this all out.
So the other day (as you may know by now, everything I talk about is either coming, today, or the other day. The other day could be yesterday or last year... I have no sense of time.) I was biking home from work when I noticed a car was following me abnormally closely. I glanced back and moved even closer to the edge of the road to allow him to pass. He didn't pass, not did he change lanes. I figured he was just fine with doing the speed limit (I was doing ~33mph and the speed limit was 30, but most people do ~40). After about 3 miles of this (following about 10ft off my rear tire) he sped up, passed me and shouted something. I couldn't tell what of course. People never seem to realize that you can't hear anything but wind at 30mph on a bike. He flew by and got stuck in traffic about a mile later. I approached him rapidly and stopped next to his car to see what he had to say. (Yes, I'm a scrapper at heart. People usually back down when they realize their tin box doesn't cut them off from the world as well as they thought.) He said, "Get the H*** off the road. You should be riding on the sidewalk." I reminded him that it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk. He responded with the indignant scrunchy face,"Well it's illegal to get hit by a car too." I replied, "Actually, it's illegal to hit me with a car." He made the scrunchy face again and I was off.
So, I went mountain biking with some old friends. It was a killer ride, ripping through trails that are scary even to walk. A few days after our ride, poison ivy... I was camping, so I didn't have the supplies I needed to treat it properly. By the time I got home, my legs were oozing blood and pus. I searched the web for any remedy possible while considering burning my legs off. After trying many different things, here's what finally fixed it:
1. Shower and wash the area with dish soap (Don't take a bath!! The urishoil will get all over you if you do.)
2. Pat yourself dry, then use rubbing alcohol to draw the oil out of your skin
3. Let the alcohol dry, then rinse the area
4. Use calamine to stop the itch and prevent oozing
5. Wear new clothes, use fresh sheets, fresh pjs, fresh everything every day
When I started these steps, I got rid of the bad part in only 4 days!! The last time I had poison ivy, I went to the doctor, got steroids and still suffered for 2 weeks.
More to come...
Man, I hate it when people do that. (the bike thing)
gj on getting the pi out so quick.
mountain biking? ..... hmmm....
A way to deal with poison ivy that works? Dude! Thanks!
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