I'm getting closer with some exciting new friends. We took a camping trip, 5 kids, 4 couples, 3 days in Adirondack paradise. We had such a great time with the kids, hiking, exploring, examining the tensile properties of frog legs (oops!) that I'm still warm & fuzzy from the experience a month later! I really missed campfire songs. When was the last time you were out with folks who spontaneously burst into song? (Ok, ok, I live with someone who does that on a daily basis, but it's so much better when you're with 13 people who do it!!!)
Cheryl and I have been streamlining our daily home-time process so cooking and cleaning get done without getting in the way of the massive quantity of playtime we can afford as people with no regular commitments and no housework. A day rarely passes without an exciting new outdoor activity or trip to a fantastic natural playground! (...webster beach for example... there are a lot of rocks out there that need skipping!!!)
Things are going well at work too! I've got the most ridiculously fitting job lined up for next quarter! I'll be doing co-located programming on a massive system using several programming languages. This will fill that void on my resume, giving me enterprise programming experience in not only Java & related techs, but the dark side of Microsoft Visual languages (like C#) and C++!
When I make a life transition, it's usually spontaneous with decisive and swift action following the decision. In this case, the team transition at work was made for me, so I have 2 months of knowing where I'm headed as the business makes preparations for me move. The looming change doesn't feel like impending doom, or even an event to cause mild anxiety... I'm ecstatic about the new team and the work I'll be accomplishing with them! As for the old team... since I know I'm leaving, I'm starting to notice all of the things I love so much about them. It's seriously a 2 month period where I get to savor all of the tidbits, quirks, and synergies that make us so productive, happy, and skillful as a unit!! I really hope this euphoric mindset sticks with me as I move to my new team, so I can revel in the benefits of my comradery even as I'm still in the thick of it.
Ah! I'm living such a great life! I love what I'm doing and love what's coming next.
I go to sleep looking forward to waking up,
I wake up looking forward to the day
I love to work, then love playing at home.
I love the work week then love the weekend.
There's a lot of time to enjoy, and I'm not wasting a moment!